Friday, February 9, 2007


Last night I caught the Minnesota Wild vs. Florida Panthers game at Matty B's. The first period was a typical Wild game. They seem to come out flat in the first period and then get their acts together in periods tow and three. Backstrom definitely played well and was the only reason that the Minnesota Wild wasn't down a goal or tow after the first period. After the first period, it was as though someone flipped a switch and the real Wild hockey team showed up. They dominated the Panthers and skated to a 3-0 lead. Then, they reverted back to the Minnesota Wild of the first period and gave up two quick goals to the Panthers. One of the goals was really "soft". Backstrom misplayed a rebound of the end boards and the puck bounced in front for an easy one-timer by a Panther player. I thought to myself what a bad loss or tie it would be if they actually coughed up another goal. Thank God, they didn't!

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