Thursday, August 27, 2009

Minnesota Wild's 3rd Jersey leaked...

Computer Images of the New Wild Jersey, Green with Cream Writing
Although the Minnesota Wild were planning on releasing the 3rd jersey at the Minnesota State Fair on Sunday at the Wild Booth fans some how got a hold of the look and have leaked it online... as a MN Wild Fanatic, I feel it is only right to continue the spread of the new jersey.

I have to say that I like the newest look, which in many ways is very OLD HOCKEY... with the deep green and cream accents, it is definitely a vintage look. The diagonal cursive writing instead of the typical sports block printing gives the new Wild Jersey a old-school feel that makes me think of the kind of jerseys my dad was wearing when he played hockey a million years ago. My guess is that lots of MN Wild Fans are going to dig this new jersey and scoop them up fast when knock-offs are released to the public, and knowing the trendsetters of the Twin Cities, once they have the jersey they will want to wear the jersey. So for all of you real Wild fans out there who actually may want MN Wild Tickets to see the game (instead of be seen at the game) I would recommend buying tickets pronto!


Creed said...

This jersey is pretty cool. Do you know who's designing the new jerseys?

Anonymous said...

Sexy jerseys!

Katie from St Paul said...

I love the third jersey script and look! I saw that you can buy hats and t-shirts with the alternate logo at the Hockey Lodge store at the Mall of America.

Anonymous said...

The new wild web site looks nice, too!

I think those Creed guys did it.